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Preparing for a Baptism 

Material Aid


These guidelines for celebrating Baptism in a Church reflect the updated guidance by government officials, healthcare professionals, and Church authorities. 


These guidelines are based on current requirements for groups no greater than 10 in the church at any time. This is exclusive of all ministers and an usher or greeter. 


Parishes should adapt only as necessary, however, being careful not to violate social distancing, face covering, and disinfecting practices. 


What is needed to Baptize? 

  • The boy or girl must be less than 7 years old

  • Register online or in person Monday & Wednesday from 4-6pm (if you are in person you will not be attended if you do not bring a face mask when you enter the office)

  • Bring in person or send by e-mail a copy of the birth certificate (without this document you cannot register)

  • THE CERTIFICATE will NOT be given to you on the day of your baptism until you have attended a pre-baptismal workshop.

  • Once the workshops can be offered, you should attend a one. Who must attend the workshop? parents and godparents.

  • We ask for a suggested donation of $ 75 per child at the time of registration.


Who should attend the baptism? 

  • Only the parents of the baptized: dad & mom

  • Only the godparents: man and woman or only one (canonically only 1 godfather is required, 2 godparents are not necessary)


  • Due to the circumstances the following rules will have to be applied without exception:


  • Masks or face coverings must be worn by all participating in the Baptism, including godparents and other witnesses. Masks or face coverings should be worn for the entire service by all participating, with the exception of the baby if under 2 years old. Given the IDPH and CDC guidelines, those with breathing difficulties should be advised to stay at home. If there is a need to attend, they can be exempted from this requirement, but those individuals must observe the strictest of social distancing from anyone not living in their domicile. 

  • Symptom / Temperature Self-Check
    On the day of the Baptism, all attendees are strongly encouraged to take their temperatures and complete a self-check

  • check for symptoms.
    The pastor must immediately be alerted if anyone is displaying any symptoms or has a fever. 

  • Priest/Deacon reminds the attendees that they must remain seated until the Ushers call them to exit the pew. 

  • Remind the attendees that photos inside the church after the conclusion are not allowed. 


Notes about photography

  • Parents and attendees must move outside of the church for pictures. 

  • Everyone, including the priest/deacon, must remain masked for all pictures and maintain social distancing at all times. 

¿What is the Baptism?



From apostolic times, to become a Christian one follows a path and an initiation that consists of several stages.


This path can be traveled quickly or slowly and always includes some essential elements:


  • The announcement of the Word

  • The acceptance of the Gospel that leads to conversion

  • The profession of faith

  • The baptism

  • The outpouring of the Holy Spirit

  • Access to Eucharistic communion


Since the Baptism of children became the habitual form of celebration of this sacrament, it has become a unique act that integrates in a very short way the stages prior to Christian initiation. By its very nature, Baptism of children requires a post-baptismal catechumenate. It is not just about the need for post-Baptism instruction, but about the necessary development of baptismal grace in the growth of the person. It is the proper moment of catechesis.


The fruit of Baptism, or baptismal grace, is a rich reality that includes: forgiveness of original sin and of all personal sins; the birth to the new life, by which man is made an adoptive son of the Father, member of Christ and temple of the Holy Spirit.


By the very action of baptism, the baptized is incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ, and made a participant in the priesthood of Christ.

MQH Office


Monday - Friday

8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

(Closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)


Saturday & Sunday

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


Tel: (708) 863-6608

5300 W. 24th Street
Cicero, IL 60804

OLM Office


Monday - Friday

8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

(Closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)


Sat. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Sun. 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


Tel: (708) 652-2791

2400 S. 61st. Ave
Cicero, IL 60804

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